ProLife Doc
New Life Begins At Conception
At conception, there is an unexplainable flash of light that occurs, instantly signaling the creation of a new and unique human life. Pre-born babies are intricately designed human beings with distinct purposes, genetics, and souls – join us in the fight for their lives!
About Us

-Dr. William Lile
All patients have rights. Pre-born babies are patients, too! They deserve proper care and legal protection, just like the rest of us. It is crucial that we work to advocate for their right to life and dignity, as they are the most vulnerable patients of all.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”
-Proverbs 31:8

Today’s medical breakthroughs allow surgeons to operate on babies inside the womb.

The umbilical cord of a baby can be transfused with donated blood as early as 18 weeks gestation to treat severe anemia in babies.

This means pre-born babies are patients entitled to legal protection.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements
2/1: Naples, FL
Pregnancy Resource Center of Southwest Florida
Naples, FL
2/27-2/28: Sarasota, FL
Sarasota Medical Pregnancy Center
Sarasota, FL
3/6: Prattville, AL
River Region Pregnancy Center
Prattville, AL
3/27 : Fayetteville, GA
Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center
Fayetteville, GA
4/3 : Columbia, IL
Life Network Pregnancy Resource Center
Columbia, IL
4/10: Ashland, OH
Ashland Pregnancy Care Center
Ashland, OH
9/4: Overland Park, KS
Wyandotte/Olathe Pregnancy Clinics
Overland Park, KS
9/11: Roanoke, VA
Blue Ridge Women's Center
Roanoke, VA
9/16: Springville, AL
St. Clair Co. Sav-A-Life, Inc./The Pregnancy Care Center
Springville, AL
10/6: Leesburg, GA
Alpha Pregnancy Center
Leesburg, GA
10/11: Moses Lake, WA
Crossroads Resource Center
Moses Lake, WA
10/14: Springfield, PA
Amnion Pregnancy Care Medical Center
Springfield, PA
10/16: Perrsburg, OH
Toledo Foundation for Life
Perrsburg, OH
10/23: Gillette, WY
Women's Resource Center
Gillette, WY
10/24: Newport News, VA
Care Net Peninsula
Newport News, VA
10/30: Chattanooga, TN
Choices Pregnancy Resource Center
Chattanooga, TN
10/30: Chattanooga, TN
Choices Pregnancy Resource Center
Chattanooga, TN
Recent Videos of Dr. Lile
Recent Articles by Dr. Lile
Understanding Ectopic Pregnancies: Medical Solutions and Misconceptions
Ectopic pregnancies are a challenging and deeply misunderstood medical condition, and has become a political football in a post-Roe culture.
Life Begins: The Science of Conception
A human life is one of the most precious gifts, and its beginning is a profound event worthy of our reflection, wonder, and respect.
Physician Autonomy: Defending the Right of Doctors to Conscientious Objections
Physicians bear a unique burden in society. They are entrusted with the solemn responsibility of safeguarding the life, health, and well-being of their patients.
Medical Breakthroughs in Treating Fetal Conditions
A small percentage of babies have been born into the world with conditions that profoundly impact their health and life expectancy.
Navigating High-Risk Pregnancies: Pro-Life Approaches to Maternal and Fetal Health
In a society where abortion is ubiquitous, there will always be people who see it as the answer for every complication seen in pregnancy.
Pro-Life Responses to Common Pro-Choice Arguments
The subject of abortion has been a source of contention for many generations, and the rhetoric has only become more heated following the recent but long-overdue reversal of the famous Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court ruling that attempted to position abortion...
Doc’s Thoughts
Post Abortion Recovery
Adoption Resources
Get In Touch With The ProLife Doc!