Dr. William Lile, the ProLife Doc, has had a busy summer!
He has been posting videos on social media about the changing landscape in the pro-life movement and about medical misinformation that pro-abortion groups have been pushing. The response has been tremendous!
The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade by correctly holding that there is no constitutional right to abortion, has galvanized the pro-life movement. Enthusiasm is higher than it has ever been. This moment in time has enabled ProLifeDoc to grow his ministry, even more, traveling all over the country to speak to a number of pro-life and church groups about his work and the work of other organizations that promote life. Thanks to Dr. Lile, many people are now aware of the success of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) as well as the amazing developments in medical science that are helping the pre-born.
And Dr. Lile has been doing all of this while still maintaining his obstetric practice!
Recently, several pro-life magazines have picked up the following article by Dr. Lile, helping him to reach even more people with his ministry in defense of the preborn. Here is the article, reprinted with permission from words4life.org.
Supreme Court Decision Changes the Focus of the Pro-Life Movement
By Dr. William Lile
Former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz once said, “If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven’t done anything today.” This is the attitude the pro-life movement needs now!
The recent US Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was a huge victory for the cause of life. We need to celebrate this victory and rejoice. A lot of people worked very hard to see this day in our nation. They deserve our honor and respect. But if the decision to overturn Roe was big, what we need to do now is even bigger. The political battle has now shifted from one court in Washington, DC to 50 different state courts, legislatures, and governors.
However, there’s an even bigger and more important battle — it’s in every pregnancy resource center in the country, particularly in states that will increase the restrictions on abortion. In these states, we’ll see a much higher number of women who will, praise God, be delivering their babies.
We were already seeing an increase in the number of women carrying their babies to term as states implemented more restrictions on abortion. But now the number will go up significantly. This is what we wanted. This is what we fought for. We can’t abandon these women and children. We have to be prepared to help them in their time of need, and stick with them as they go through their pregnancies and births, and as they raise their children.
If we want to see this nation turn to the Lord, we have an opportunity before us that will help us do just that. You see, pregnancy resource centers are on the front lines of the Gospel. Every woman who comes into a pregnancy resource center needs Jesus. Her husband or boyfriend and her babies need Jesus. And there is no one who has a better opportunity to share Jesus with them than the people who work and volunteer at these centers. If we could lead all of these women and those connected to them to a right relationship with their Creator, we would see this nation turn toward Christ.
Remember, we are all created in the image of God — not at the time of our birth, but at the time of our conception. At the moment of conception, each baby is genetically unique from the mother and also from the father. In fact, each child is genetically unique from the other seven billion people on the planet. He or she is a whole person from the very start.
From our conception, we bear the image of God. And this spiritual dimension frames the entire issue, for abortion is fundamentally an attack against God. In Genesis 1:26, the triune God said “Let us make man in our image.” Abortion is an attack against that image, and thus a war against God leveled at the evidence of Him that we can see and touch. This is why your local pregnancy resource center deserves the time and support of the church. Church leaders need to understand how many people come to know Jesus in these centers. They are a Gospel-centered ministry that sees lives saved spiritually and physically every day. Few local ministries come close to this kind of impact.
Turning women away from abortion and toward Christ is an effort that is much bigger than defeating Roe v. Wade. It requires all of us to be involved — now! Please become familiar with the local pregnancy center in your area. Contact the people there and let them know that you will be praying for them, that you appreciate their ministry, and ask how you can support their ministry.