In 1976, a new technological advance rocked the world of obstetrics: the real-time ultrasound. Prior to the advent of fetal imaging, doctors were reliant on external observations and a woman’s own account of her physical condition to assess the health of the child growing within. Not only did some health issues go undetected, but women also progressed through pregnancy without the welcome reassurance that all is well with their little ones.
Fetal ultrasound works by using high-frequency sound waves to create images of the baby in the womb, producing 2-D and 3-D images and videos. A small device called a transducer is placed on the mother’s belly and emits these sound waves. The waves bounce off the baby and other structures in the womb, then return to the transducer, which converts them into images and videos on a screen.
The ProLife Doc, Dr. William Lile, embraces ultrasound as an important component of care for his pregnant patients. It allows him to see the baby’s development, check for any potential issues, and monitor the pregnancy without any harm to the mother or baby.
When it comes to the abortion debate, ultrasound has become a powerful tool in the fight for the unborn. Ultrasound technology provides A “Womb with a View.” It offers a vital picture of life inside the womb, and puts the lie to the pro-abortion attempt to dissociate the termination of a pregnancy from the destruction of a living human being.
Modern ultrasound, with its higher definition and sensitivity, provides undeniable evidence of the humanity of the fetus, revealing a beating heart, tiny limbs, and even expressive facial features. These images can be life-changing for a mother who may be considering abortion. Seeing the reality of the life growing inside her can evoke powerful emotions and a sense of connection that may not have been present before.
Crucially, ultrasound has allowed for the development of life-saving fetal surgeries and medical procedures. Many diagnoses that may have resulted in neonatal death or injury in the past can now be addressed in the womb by physicians using ultrasound to help guide their instruments. Thanks to ultrasound technology, it is clearer than ever that a pregnancy involves not just one patient, but two. And a patient is a person, no matter how small.
For many women, the decision to have an abortion is not made lightly. They may feel pressured by circumstances, fear, or a lack of support. An ultrasound can provide a moment of pause, a chance to truly consider the consequences of their choice. It allows them to see beyond the rhetoric and political debates, and to focus on the life that is developing within them. Once a pregnant mother recognizes the life inside her as her child, she often realizes that the obstacles that sent her seeking abortion can be overcome, especially with the help and support of a local pregnancy resource center and other community services.
In some states, a fetal ultrasound is required before an abortion can be performed. Opponents of this practice argue that subjecting a woman seeking abortion to an ultrasound is a form of coercion, designed to guilt or shame her into continuing her pregnancy. However, this misses the point. Ultrasound is not about coercion, but about providing women with all the information they need to make a fully informed decision. It is about respecting the dignity of both the mother and the child, and recognizing the humanity of the preborn.
Ultrasound can also save the life of the mother. Women who have a medication abortion without confirming the pregnancy’s status with ultrasound risk a missed diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, a condition that accounts for up to 1% of pregnancies. If not properly treated, an ectopic pregnancy can lead to rupture of the fallopian tubes, internal bleeding, and even death. Thankfully, it can easily be detected with an ultrasound.
Thanks to ongoing advancements and widespread use, ultrasound technology has revolutionized prenatal care and has become a crucial tool in the fight for the unborn. It provides undeniable evidence of the humanity of the fetus and can be a powerful catalyst for change in the hearts and minds of women considering abortion. Ultrasound offers a glimpse into the miraculous world of the developing child, and reminds us all of the sanctity of life. Patients have rights, and “a Patient is a Person, no matter how small.”
To support the ProLife Doc’s mission of protecting and supporting the preborn, donate to the cause, or access resources to help you advocate for life in your community, reach out to Dr. Lile or explore his website. Every voice counts in the fight for life!