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Creating a Culture of Life

Creating a Culture of Life

Pro-life supporters are often accused by abortion activists of protecting human lives when they are in the womb only to coldly abandon them and neglect their needs after birth.

Genocide? Let’s Talk About Abortion

Genocide? Let’s Talk About Abortion

Using the broader definition of genocide to mean the singling out of a particular group of persons for extermination, you will find it hard to identify a more glaring example of genocide than abortion.

Is Abortion Murder?

Is Abortion Murder?

Recently, Dr. Lile had the opportunity to make this point in a personal letter. As he has emphasized repeatedly: a patient is a person, no matter how small.

Is Deceiving Women the “New Feminism”?

Is Deceiving Women the “New Feminism”?

In recent years, there has been a growing trend that whatever group calls itself “feminist” can more accurately be described as whatever aligns with the latest progressive fad, whether transsexual posturing or tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus.

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